
Getting started with elm-review

elm-review lets you extend guarantees that Elm provides before running your code, by inspecting your project with custom rules that you write in pure Elm!
April 8, 2020


Hello Jeroen! Hello Dillon! How are you doing today? I'm doing very well, how are you?
I'm doing pretty good, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this topic because
I think you have a lot to say. What are we talking about? Today we're
talking about Elm Review and the first episode we did was on Elm pages, that
was your baby. Yes. This is my baby. Yes, I think there will be a lot of words
coming from you today. Yeah, I'm excited to talk about this. Yes, I'm excited to
learn about it. Yeah, so okay, Elm Review, I believe it used to be called ElmLint.
You had a package called ElmLint before and this is like a new incarnation of
that. Basically, so I spent a lot of time working on it when it was called ElmLint
and right before publishing it, releasing it, I renamed it Elm Review. So I never
really announced it as ElmLint. I did a talk about it in Elm Paris, the meetup,
in 2017. So it's a very old project, it's dated before Elm Analyze, but it's never
been released as ElmLint officially, although I did publish some packages with
a name. So if you see those, ignore them. I can't publish them, unfortunately.
So people are probably familiar with the concept of linting and with linters, so
you want to give maybe a little bit of the background of why you
chose the term review instead of lint. Evan came to talk to me about it.
It's a good reason. Yeah, I sent him the link to my blog post before I released
it. I was thinking, hey, what do you think of this? Do you think this is a good idea
for the Elm ecosystem? And he said, yeah, I think it's okay. I don't remember
exactly the words he said, I'm just imagining. The main thing he said to me
was like, are you sure you really want to call it ElmLint? You should use some of
those quotes from Evan on the package documentation site, just like, yeah, I
think it's okay. Yeah, well, I don't have the course anymore because it's on Slack.
That was six months ago, so they're lost forever. Right, but there's this sort of
literal naming concept in the Elm community, right? So Evan was trying
to think about, like, what is linting anyway? What does
your package really do? Yeah, exactly, and I actually didn't know what linting is. I
was just calling it a linter because that's what people call these kind of
tools. So I looked it up a little bit because lint was not in my English
vocabulary, and it turns out it's removing pieces of dust from clothing, so
it's basically cleaning it. And that's kind of what most linters do. They try to
polish your code, make you adapt to a certain code style, and that is not what
Elm Review is about. So I decided to rename it. I had some project names to
choose from, and Elm Review started to sound good to me, and now I'm very happy
with the choice. Yeah, I like it a lot too. It seems very clear, and you know, maybe
for somebody who's familiar with the term linting, that might seem easy to
understand at first, but so does Revu, and to someone who's not familiar with
linting, Revu makes a lot of sense too. Yeah, linting, you have to know the term.
Someone needs to have explained to you what the linter is, but my colleagues
still call it a linter. So it's hard to get rid of the name, like, oh, Elm Review!
Well, it's just kind of a linter, isn't it? Yeah, well, in a way it is.
You can do linting with it, but I am to make it something a bit bigger.
Right, okay, so let's get into that. So let's kind of get into a
definition of what Elm Review does. What is it, besides this sort of vague
notion of a linter, what exactly is it? Yeah, so Elm Review is a static
analysis tool for Elm, written in Elm. So static analysis just means we're gonna
look at your code, and we're gonna detect patterns, and then do something about it.
In our case, we're going to report some patterns that we do not
want to stay in the code. For instance, something that most linters do is say,
hey, this variable is not used, remove it. Or in some languages like JavaScript,
remove some features or forbid some features, like don't use pattern
matching, like don't use switch case, don't use goto, things like that.
Things that you do not want to see in your code. Sometimes it's as simple as just
forbidding patterns, sometimes it's forbidding a pattern in a certain
context, like don't use switch case with a number, for instance.
Right, it's an interesting problem of how do you identify looking at the
syntax, statically analyzing the code, how do you identify potential problems or
red flags or things that basically could indicate a code smell, right? That you're
kind of trying to detect a code smell and use this automated tool to put it in
front of a human being who can look at it and say, oh yeah, what do you want to
do about this code smell? How do you want to change this?
What are some examples that you think are really valuable or some
cool examples that you've seen? I know you've been working with some people on
some rules they've been building for Elm Review. What are some cool examples?
That was mostly me, unfortunately. Well I know, I saw someone was using it, maybe
this is sort of like a beta testing phase, but somebody was playing around
with an RGB rule to see if something is within a certain range.
Yeah, Ruf, I don't remember what he was. Yeah, Ruf. Rinar. Okay, yeah, he built it
himself and then he showed it and then I gave him some comments, but he did it on
his own. That was pretty cool. So what he did was publish a package which
looks at function calls that are called RGB or RGB 255. So those are the
functions that create colors in Elm UI. This rule just looks at what arguments
are given to it and then it checks whether those are in the proper
boundaries. So for RGB it checks whether the value is between 0 and 1 and for RGB
255 between 0 and 255. Because what happens if you call RGB with
minus 1? That doesn't make sense, that would probably be a bug and we don't
want that. And the RGB function is not strict enough to limit the values that
you give it. Do you know if his rule checked that it had to be a literal
value rather than a parameter? It only checks for literal values. Right, right.
You could try to evaluate the variable or function name, function call, but that's
something that is pretty hard with static analysis. At some point it will
get very hard and sometimes it's just too dynamic and you can't say anything
about it. Yeah, I mean sometimes it's coming from user input and there's no
literal value in the code to look at. So why don't you tell us a little bit about
like let's say we're building this RGB range checker. What does that look like
writing that with Elm review? So you said it's a review tool that's built in
Elm for Elm. Yeah. How do you build it in Elm? What does that look like? So Elm
review is both a CLI and a package. So the CLI runs the review and shows you
the errors. We've got the package which gives you some very nice APIs to work
with to create rules, what I call a rule with other knitters call that checks or
yeah checks or rules. So you got a package which creates those rules and
basically what it works with is an AST, so an abstract syntax tree. And what the
package does for you is it lets you visit every node of the tree and then
lets you do something with it. So either report a pattern like you notice
something that is wrong so you put an error and that will be shown to the user
or you record some data that you might use for to report errors later or to not
report errors later. So basically when you create a rule you say I want to
visit this kind of nodes, I want to visit imports, I want to visit
expressions, I want to visit declarations and based on that, based on
what you see in there, you're going to say hey this this does not look good
report an error. So for instance if we do the RGB rule we're going to look at
expressions, specifically we're going to look at function calls expressions where
the function name is called RGB or RGB 255 and then we're going to look at the
arguments and see if they are literal integers or literal floats and if they
do not match, if they do not fit in the correct range then report errors. So
that's basically what Unreview allows you to do. Right and so to paint a
picture for people listening, you know we said at the top that this is built in
pure Elm, you build the rules in pure Elm. Yes. Let's paint a picture a little bit
of what that looks like. So you say you can visit these different nodes in
the AST of your code base. So you're going to have some sort of function
that you call to say I'm defining this rule and then you get a parameter
which is like each node that you're visiting in the AST. Right and then
you're doing like a case statement that says is this a function call, is that
right? Yeah basically. And then if it's a function call then you get okay well
which function is it invoking like what's the module name and the function
name? Yes. And then what are the parameters that are being passed and
those parameters are expressions and then you can check is the expression of
type literal int? Yes. So that's all it is right? That's all it is. In this one
this is simple. This is a simple one right but it you have the full power
of doing whatever static code analysis you could imagine through this API. So
you're exposing sort of a platform for building your own customized rules.
Exactly. And you completely have the power at your fingertips of analyzing the entire
AST in Pure Elm which is really really fun. Yeah I have a lot of fun running
all those rules. Yeah so maybe this is a good time to sort of talk about Elm
analyze and contrast these two approaches. You want to talk a little bit
about what distinguishes the the different like philosophies or approaches
of these tools? Yeah so Elm analyzes at the moment the de facto standard for
static analysis in Elm. So the way it works is it gives you a set of checks
because it calls the checks but it's the same thing as a as what I call a rule
and they are all opt out so you get a full set of those to start with and it
just goes through your AST and reports the problems. So the thing with Elm
analyze is that you cannot customize those rules or very very little. You can
disable it and that's pretty much it. And the idea is that they want to enforce
high quality Elm code so that's what they try to do so they detect unused
variables and use imports. They detect ways you can simplify your expressions
like concatenating two lists so you could if it's if they're all literals
then you can just create one list. But in their contribution guidelines they say
that they do not want to be able to customize the rules like they do in
Iceland and that is exactly what Elm review wants you to do. When I write Elm
review I want you to be able to customize your rules. I want you to
create your own rules because I think that's where the power of static
analysis is. So in the JavaScript world where I come from you had jsLint, jsHint
and later came eslint. The difference between all these is that eslint
allowed you to create your own custom rules and that created a whole huge
ecosystem of rules maybe too big in their case and they made it
now the de facto standard. And the reason why I think that's important
is because the most interesting rules are not about code qualities, the ones
that you want to make for your own team. One thing you can do is enforce the
conventions of your team. Instead of saying hey we have a mockdown file here
that explains how we structure our Elm code, just enforce it. So you can
create an Elm review rule that does exactly what that guideline would
say and maybe with some auto fixes or very helpful error messages that tell
you hey we do not do this this way in our project because this and that reason.
You should try this and that to make it work the way we want to.
Right, so I've had the experience with Elm analyze. I've gotten a lot of
value from throwing that into projects before but also I've found that
sometimes the rules don't do exactly what I want. So one example of
that is I can't remember if it's unused symbols or something like that
but sometimes I'll find I'll import something. What I basically want is I
want to import something the same way every time I use it. So if I say import
dict exposing dict or if I say like import HTML dot attributes as adder
exposing attribute. I'm not sure if attribute is in HTML. I guess it's in
HTML but you get the idea right? Every time I import HTML I
want to expose attributes. I might not use it in a particular file but I
want it to be exposed for when I do use it. That's just what I want. I want
my import HTML exposing attributes to look the same in every single module.
So this unused symbol rule doesn't quite get that and I'm like no this is how I
want this code to look and so there will be this sort of mix of some things that
it finds that I'm like oh good catch I don't want to be doing that and then
there are some places where it's just pestering me about something that I'd
like to be able to tell it exactly what I want it to do. So I guess
that's your thinking here is that I can teach it the way that I want to write my
import statements. Yeah you definitely could. I also think there are plenty
plenty of cases where you do not want to enforce something. So maybe you do not
want a rule for that. Just tell people what to do because the thing is what I
noticed is that a lot of times when you enforce something that people don't like
they will try to disable it. Like in ESLinted they do that with a comment. You
will see disabling comments all over the place or they will try to find a
workaround which often makes the things worse. So in this case I think it would
be fine. Yeah that makes sense. I've had this thought before actually if I could
go down this path a little bit more of this particular idea of like having a
standardized way of importing things. I've thought it would be cool if there
was like a configurable way to say okay this is how I import HTML attributes.
Like I always want if I import that at all then I want it to be import HTML dot
attributes as adder. Yeah. Because I don't want to have it like in some places it's
imported as HTML dot attributes and some places it's as adder and that can be
confusing sometimes because you're going back and forth between different modules
in your code base and they're imported different ways. It becomes confusing and
so I've thought it would be cool if there was a way of enforcing in the
entire code base here's a certain set of import statements that should be aliased.
You should import as this and you should always expose this in addition to
whatever other specific things perhaps you expose or maybe you want to enforce
that or whatever but that seems like something that could be an interesting
tool and since it's just Elm code so since the rules are just pure Elm
code you could make it configurable by passing in your specific configuration
and saying these are my imports these are the module names and these are what
I expect them to be aliased to so I could imagine that could be a pretty
cool rule that you could share with people and let them define their own
list of import aliases. Yeah exactly I was actually thinking of doing that in
my workplace. Oh cool. Like for instance sometimes we import JSON encode as
E and sometimes as encode and sometimes without an alias and I think would be
just nicer to enforce having the same one everywhere. Very cool. So is there a
way currently in Elm review to apply fixes? I think there might be some
functionality like that is that right? Yeah there is. So in Elm review v1 you
can only apply fixes one by one so you tell the CLI to apply fixes and
it will prompt you with hey this is the error this is my suggestion do you want
to accept it do you not and then if you do then it gets it fixes it applies Elm
formats all the time that's a design choice I want people to use Elm formats
that might be wrong but my choice and in Elm review v2 you also have a fix all so
you can just fix all the errors and then have a giant diff and it prompts. Is it
the errors of a particular type or just all errors? All the errors that provide a
fix. Okay. And that is not something you always want to do. There's something
that detailed in my documentation. You basically want it when it's you can fix
it always when you know how to do a proper fix and when it's it doesn't
bring anything to the user and it will not surprise them. Right so do you think
that would be a reasonable place to apply that rule to say hey if you're
importing JSON dot encode as E actually the way we do that is encode. Would that
be a reasonable place to apply an automated rule perhaps in a code base?
Well yeah it would but the thing is you would need to change every call to E dot
something to encode so if you do that then it's all good to me. So you and
could you do that? Yeah I think you could. Because you get access to the syntax tree
and you can define a way to transform that syntax tree and it will output that
as the fix? No the fix is a bit lower primitive you basically just play with
ranges so remove characters insert characters or replace characters.
Interesting. With the range like start and with the row in a column. Yeah I
could have chosen to do it with an AST but that would have been more
complicated and that hasn't been my focus yet. Right. Maybe we could do it but it
does makes a lot of things much harder so I think it's nice to have at least
this primitive and for now it's it's worked alright so I haven't needed to
do anything harder and basically everywhere you see E dot something and you
know that it's the E module not something else that ends with an E you
replace it with encode dot for instance and that would be it. Right yeah that
seems that seems pretty doable very cool so if somebody wants to get started with
this how do they dive in? To get started with Elm Review you basically want to
add a review configuration to your project so as I mentioned before there
is a CLI so you do Elm Review init and it will create a new application inside
your project we do that so that the review codes your your rules and the
review dependencies so all the packages that contain rules that you might want
to add to your configuration that they're separate from your package or
application so the init creates the project so an Elm JSON and a review config
dot Elm file that one comes empty by default there are no rules enforced
there's also design choice that I made I don't want to enforce best practices
because I don't feel like I should tell people what to do so it comes empty and
then what you do is either you add packages that contain rules and use the
rules that are in there and you add them to review config or you write your own
rules and you add them to your review config so yeah I would start out with
Elm Review init and then adding some packages that like I wrote for instance
the ones that remove unused things or do a lot of simplifications. Right and just
to just to make it clear what you're saying is when you do Elm Review init
and you say it creates a separate app it's just creating a subdirectory which
the CLI is going to go into that subdirectory that review subdirectory or
whatever it's called yes and it's going to use the source folder in that
directory which is just an Elm code base it has an Elm dot JSON which lists the
dependencies for running the review rules yeah which are independent of the
dependencies for the main Elm projects that it's running the rules on. Exactly
yeah that's it. And then you just got another Elm code base within your main
Elm app for running the rules. No that you don't that's what the CLI does so
every time you run Elm Review it creates a new application it compiles an
application with your code with your dependencies and then it runs that one.
Right right but you you have this sort of folder that defines all of your
rules in pure Elm and you don't have to worry about the specifics of visiting
the files and those details the CLI takes care of that for you. Exactly yeah
yeah yeah cool yeah you have very little things to do on your own. Right.
Even just running your own rules there a lot of complexity has been removed for
you. So is there a good starting point to sort of copy paste as a starting point
to play around with creating your own rules? Not right now I'm probably gonna
do something before I release v2 because at the time that we record this it has
not been released yet hopefully in the next few days so hopefully by the time
you listen to this episode yeah probably gonna make something to make it easy for
people to copy paste because that's what people tell me a lot they don't want to
think about which rules to enable they just want to copy paste something which
I do not think is great but as long as they stay critical of the review rules
I'm fine with that. Yeah yeah you could have some sort of commented out set of
possibilities so people can see what the options are as a starting point and but
so if you want to define a custom rule sometimes that can be intimidating to
figure out just like the wiring for creating a custom rule but I guess it's
just calling a single function and then that creates a rule value. Yeah basically
yeah so I've got a lot of examples in the documentation so you basically can
just copy paste an example and add it to your review project your review
application and add it to your review config and that's it. So basically if
someone wanted to try out writing their own rule they should go to the projects
readme and then find an example rule and they can copy paste that to play around
with it. Yeah well to the review rule module but yeah basically. Right right
they should create a self contained module for their rules just as a good
practice of abstracting things away. Yeah I would always put it in a different
module yeah one rule one module. Right nice well are there are there any other
resources that people should know about for getting started? I would probably
say just the blog post about releasing version 1 and version 2 yeah that would
be it for if you want to get started. Wonderful. So I released Unreviewed
version 1 about six months ago and I'm ready to release v2 and there's
something that I really really wanted to get out and I'm very happy that I got
something pretty cool with it. It's the ability to look at whole projects for
when you analyze your project your code. So with most static analysis tools like
Elm Analyze and ESLint whenever you look you go through the AST so you do it one
file by one file so when you look at module A you go through the whole file
you report some errors and then when you're done you go through module B
and then you forget at that point you forget everything about module A even
if that was interesting to you so if module B imports module A you do not
know what happens in A so you lose a lot of information and that is a shame
because there's a lot of interesting information that you can get there
especially in Elm in JavaScript with ESLint that would be useful too but
sometimes just too complex to analyze. When you don't have type signatures
helping you navigate through it it's too much to manage. Yeah exactly and
handling all those details. Yeah and especially when things are too dynamic
that's when you just abandon hope. Because Elm is a static language it's
not just statically typed it's a static language so you know when you hit
compile you know the functions that will exist you know the top level values and
functions that you'll be working with and you can't just eval something and
then something comes into existence at the global scope. Yeah that makes it really
really nice to work with. As someone who wrote a lot of ESLint rules that was a
pain it was very frustrating to say oh well in this case we really can't know
just well. But with this version what I introduce is what I call project rules
which can look at the whole project so when you have finished visiting A you
can keep some information the information that you want and then when
you start to read going through module B then you can use the information from
module A. So would that be sort of like the difference between like a map or a
fold where if you map then you have to say okay take this value and turn it
into a new value whereas a fold you get to keep track of this accumulator where
you can store some running value that you get every time you visit a new thing
and you can add additional context into that? Yes yes that's a if you're very
familiar with maps and folds yes that's exactly how you can view this. There was
probably my initial implementation a map and now it's a fold that is true. So
what that opens up to is like detecting unused variables or unused exports
everywhere so if module A exposes a function well with when you can only
look at one file at a time you can't ever tell whether it's used or not and
you can't tell the user hey this is never used. With what I call project
rules you can you just go through the whole project and oh well it's never
used okay remove it report it and that opens just a whole lot of possibilities.
This is actually the reason why I didn't promote Unreview too much during
these last six months because every time I was thinking of a very cool rule to
demonstrate what you could do with Unreview I was like yeah as soon as you
need to get a value from another module or expose things well you can't tell.
So one example is for instance you know the problem where you have a list
of all the custom types of a type like if the custom type is A, B or C you want to list
with A, B and C for testing purposes or things like that. The solution people
usually go for is having a type check reminder like a case of which lists
all the cases which that does nothing with a comment that says hey now you
should add it to the list below. Well with Unreview you can just say hey we
know all the custom type constructors and in this list there are some missing
ones report it. I think it's very cool but if the type was defined in a
different module then you can't tell anything. Now you can. That's why I
was not promoting it. Yeah that makes sense it opens up a lot more use
cases I can imagine just having that contextual ability to define rules that
have context that they carry with them. So okay this is perhaps a tangent but
that makes me think of would it be possible to define a rule that auto
fixes that has an automated fix where you can say if you have an enum where an
enum is you know just a custom type that has no parameters for the type so you
have you know a fruit is an apple or an orange or a banana could you have an
auto fix that says a module that has that maybe there's a certain naming
convention for the custom type or something that it's like enum fruit or
something and then that module must define a to string and a from string and
maybe an all list which has all of the all of those enums mm hmm could you
define an elm review rule that checks that those to string from string and all
values and functions are defined and if they're not defined creates them for you
you could definitely do one that checks for them an auto fix yeah I guess you
could just have to handle the case where the functions already exists because you
don't you probably don't want to override them yeah you could hmm yeah
because that could be pretty powerful because at that point you have a
guarantee that if you in your build pipeline run elm review before you do a
production build then you can almost consider it a piece of the pipeline just
like the elm compiler where you know if you if you have something where your
types make impossible states impossible right then you don't have to check all
over the place that you're enforcing those constraints because you've done it
with a type and the elm compiler will catch it so your your production code
won't go live with those impossible states yeah and so if you have your elm
review rule and the elm review checks as part of your production build where the
production build will not go live unless these constraints are met then you could
guarantee that these enum values will always be up to date which is kind of
cool you could just build a review rule that just sort of extends the
guarantees of the elm compiler in a way yeah that's that's the whole point of a
lot of rules that you can do with them right yeah I'm not sure whether that
example would be fitting because how would you implement the to string like
what name do you give to the banana to the apple would it be uppercase like and
that's not those are not choices that you want elm review to do for you so
I could do it in my code base and I could just have that be my custom rule
that I define that right yeah if you have something very organized and you
exactly know exactly how to fix it sure go ahead right yeah it seems like you
could make some conventions like that I I'm also thinking about I mean elm
review gives you this essentially an elm project that you can run the CLI against
this source code for your elm review rules and I'm thinking like it could be
interesting to ship this as a part of other tools like for example elm graph
QL has you know it does this code generation like there's a feature in elm
graph QL that I've had a really hard time getting the developer experience
that I want for this feature the feature is custom scalars and I mean I think it's
I think it's a really strong feature actually I don't I don't think there are
any other graph QL tools out there that have this feature which is but I still
feel like the developer experience could be a lot stronger so the feature in a
nutshell is you can take a custom scalar for example like a date time or currency
value you know money and you could say well if you have this custom scalar on
the server if there's something of type money in this graph QL API then when you
get money use this decoder to get the money and then use this encoder to
encode the money and so it's just automatically going to apply a decoder
and if the decoder fails so so for example you could parse a date time
using an ISO 8601 decoder and your graph QL requests will fail if that
constraint isn't met because a custom scalar in graph QL represents some
guarantees about that data you know so like if a graph QL server is serializing
something in a date time format then it's it's giving you a promise that I
will serialize it in the ISO 8601 format which means I can make that assumption
when I decode the data so Elm GraphQL gives you this ability to just say for
this type of custom scalar decode it using this set of assumptions which
turns out to be a really nice way to work with with code to put those
constraints into a single module where you define this is how I deal with my
custom scalars so anyway I haven't been perfectly happy with the developer
experience because what you need to do is you need to like expose a certain set
of types or type aliases that you define in your custom codecs module and then
you need to define a custom encoder and decoder for each of those and I kind of
compile the code and it gives you these errors which are a little bit confusing
if you did it wrong but I'm thinking what if I had an Elm review rule and
package that as part of the Elm GraphQL command line interface yeah run Elm
review and I could have an improved developer experience where I can look at
it and I have the syntax tree for that custom codecs file and I can basically
get as fine grained as I want rather than relying on the Elm compiler to give
me sort of some general messages I can give some more precise messages and I
can give the messages in the language that makes sense for the Elm GraphQL CLI
yeah exactly you actually wouldn't necessarily need this CLI the Elm review
CLI because you could simply use the Elm review package you would have to do the
wiring yourself yes but though you could use it to do something like that yeah
definitely interesting interesting I love the idea of having it be rather
than you know like you said JS hint or these other tools in the JS ecosystem
that say here are the rules this is how you write JavaScript right right this is
having it be a platform that's extensible and gives you the tools to
look at the AST and do your own static analysis it's kind of interesting
because like so one of one of the best features of Elm format is that it's a
zero configuration formatter right yeah so you don't have these constant
arguments in different Elm code bases about should it be two spaces or four
spaces should it be a trailing comma or a leading comma actually don't know if
it's two or four spaces I don't care four exactly we don't care right and
that's a that's a feature yeah so how do you see this as different like why do
you think that it's the right choice to put the power and the configurability in
the user's hands in this instance even though this is such a strong feature
with Elm format to have zero configuration what's what makes that
different do you think I don't think it's right to compare it to Elm format I
would more compared to types in a way like in Elm you've got types you got
billions strings numbers etc but that's not where Elm's power comes from the
power of Elm comes from custom types so you types that you're tailored to your
own need so to your own business needs so if you want to build a user you build
your own user type which has this and that fields and it wouldn't make sense
to only use the built in types for you that's Elm provides you and I think
that's kind of the same thing with Elm review sure you have a set of rules that
tell you how your code should look like you remove unused variables do things
this way which is nicer do not import everything from module things like that
but a lot of times you really want to have something tailor made to your needs
right so for instance if you want to limits how your application works you've
got domains you've got let's say you have a whole section of your project
which deals with how you fetch data how you interact with GraphQL another one
that deals with business logic and you do not want to link those two you want
you don't want to have the one inputs the other then that is something very
custom to your needs to your application to how you built your projects same
thing with Elm conventions every team has coding conventions if they do not
they will soon I think yeah it makes sense to have customizable right so okay
so it seems like the way you're talking about on review it seems to me that you
look at it as fundamentally different than just a linter in a way because
you're talking about it like this is not just a way of enforcing standardized
code conventions yes it is not it is a way of enforcing constraints about your
code so it almost sounds like you're talking about it like an extension of
the Elm type system as a way to to catch certain constraints that you can't encode
with the Elm type system by itself exactly the way I see it is if Elm the
Elm compiler is your assistant Elm review is your second assistant and
incidentally Elm review can do linting but that's not all that it can do it can
be much more I think so if if I had a review rule for RegEx you know how you
know with the latest API for for RegEx and Elm you do RegEx dot from string and
then you have to pipe that through maybe dot with default RegEx dot never yes
that's how people usually do it yeah the older Elm API had this bug in it that
you could have a runtime exception if you passed in an invalid RegEx and so
okay that's nice it returns a maybe if there's something wrong with it but you
only notice later right so having a maybe there just feels like the kind of
thing that we should we want to know more at if we can't know it at compile
time can we know it at build time can we know it as a build step that analyzes
our code static analysis right and in a way the Elm compiler is just a type of
static analysis tool so in a way it's not really any different it's the same
stage it's like a compile time check it's just another tool to run alongside
the Elm compiler so could you do something that I mean it seems like you
could pretty easily just write a review rule that checks when you do RegEx dot
from string and then you look for instances of that in the AST in your
review rule and then you say okay if it's a string literal then take that
string call RegEx dot from string with that string yeah and then case just okay
good you succeeded nothing hey your RegEx is invalid and then you know that
you will never have a RegEx that doesn't work yeah exactly a drew plan on the
publishing of packages that does that nice so this is like a bigger topic than
just reviewing your code styles it's looking at I mean when you're able to
look at the literals in the code base then you can make certain guarantees
that you can't with the type system alone you could even have like a
positive integer yep type and you could say oh I can say positive integer dot
from literal and if I call that my Elm review rule will fail if I call it with
anything but a literal or if I call it with a literal that is negative yeah I
was going to say that you just stole it for me I was going to say it about the
RegEx you could have a create RegEx function that yeah it needs to be passed
a literal which is not something that you can enforce in Elm with a compiler
yes but yeah force it to be a literal and a literal that is a correct correct
RegEx I mean this out it sounds like a rabbit hole that's why I've been
spending nine months on this project this sounds like a rabbit hole that we
could do like a whole nother discussion on where yes I mean how do you use Elm
review to do dependent types wouldn't that be yeah wouldn't that be an
attention grabbing headline dependent types in Elm that sounds good to me
yeah awesome well thanks for sharing this this is super interesting and I'm
looking forward to discussing it more in the future yeah me too so if people want
to know more about it so just read the blog posts on my website and there's an
Elm review channel so elm dash review on the Elm Slack come talk to me come talk
to us in the in Slack and I really hope you enjoy it give me any feedback you
have even positive that's helpful for me and let us let us know what you build
with it because it's always helpful to see what people are actually building
with it and it's great for other people to see examples of what people are doing
to get inspiration definitely yeah that would be awesome yeah great well thanks
as always this is a lot of fun and talk to you next time yeah talk to you next