
Extending Elm

We discuss what Elm is intended for, techniques for going beyond that, and how to make tools nice to use when you do.
June 29, 2020

What can you do with Elm?

  • Html
  • Http
  • Ports
  • Web Components

Different techniques for extending elm

elm-hot and elm-hot-webpack-loader

Pitfalls and considerations


  • Have a single clear source of truth for codegen
  • Prevent bad states with airtight abstractions, rather than having lots of caveats
  • Make sure public APIs for generated code look nice
  • Use doc comments


  • Elm code that doesn’t look like elm code
  • Tooling doesn’t work then - see Babel ecosystem
  • Violates Open close principle - you’re modifying the language, not extending it

Provide a platform with extensions in mind when you build tools so you don’t require users to hack

When you build a tool, think about the mental model for uses, let that guide you. Avoid leaky abstractions

Be opinionated about the core things, and unopionated about what’s not essential to the tool

  • [elm-spa](


Hello, Jeroen.
Hello, Dillon.
How are you doing today?
As usual, pretty good.
How about you?
I'm good and I'm ready to dig into some Elm.
So today we have a question from a listener whose name is John Doe, so we actually don't
know if it's an anonymous user or a real name.
That's the tricky thing because it's an optional field in our question form, but they wrote
in John Doe by hand.
And there are a few John Does on the Elm Slack, so it could be anonymous too, but we will
never know.
That's right.
And for reference, if you haven't seen it already, slash question, or
you can just go to and hit the submit a question button and we actually look
at them, believe it or not.
So do you want to read the question?
So John Doe asks, well, he says very nice podcast.
Thank you, John Doe.
Thank you.
You both have a very nice synergy going on that makes episodes interesting and easy to
listen to.
Why thank you.
I'd like to suggest you both talk about extending Elm's capabilities beyond what it was thought
When is it a good idea to extend Elm's capabilities?
Elm pages, Elm SPA, node scripting server, any other ideas?
Thanks again for putting out so much cool content.
Thank you for the question.
This is a juicy topic.
There's a lot to dig into.
It's going to be a long topic.
As usual.
Very interesting with a lot of ideas and opinions.
And I think this one, you know, I think it's interesting both from sort of a tinkerer and
tool builders perspective, i.e. people like you and me, Jeroen.
And I think it's interesting from a user's perspective too, because as a consumer of
these types of tools, there are a lot of questions about when is it overkill to use a tool when
maybe you could achieve a similar thing with a port or a web component?
How do you keep your code maintainable?
And like, so there are questions like that for somebody who's choosing to use tools like
So I think it's good to have an understanding of when to reach for a particular type of
tool and technique for extending Elm.
So the first question is what can't you do with Elm?
So Elm is made for building web apps.
So anything that is a web app, you can do with it.
Anything that is not a web app, you probably can't do it.
Very simple.
Although, of course, there's platform.worker.
And you know, technically, it's not exactly the intended use case for Elm.
But you can do a platform.worker.
You know, let's say you want to pass in some data from JavaScript land from node.js through
a flag or a port, and then have some computation and send it back to JavaScript and print it
out or whatever.
You know, that's not exactly an intended use case for Elm.
But it's going to work pretty smoothly.
You're not hacking Elm in a really crazy way and doing something that's far from the intended
use of it, I would say.
Yeah, it's just that you're using it in environments that it's not intended for.
That's the difference, in my opinion.
Yeah, maybe it's not first class support, but second class.
Second class sounds good.
Maybe to be explicit about what can't you do with Elm, maybe we should start with what
can you do with Elm.
So as you said, you can build web apps with it.
Obviously, there's first class support for putting HTML on the screen.
That's kind of the basic thing that you're doing.
And of course, there's first class support for grabbing data with HTTP requests.
There are certain parts of the web platform that are easily within reach.
If you have an href on an anchor tag, then when you click it, what do you know?
The web browser will go to that link.
And then of course, you can do commands.
So Elm has these managed effects, which it has a limited set of things that it allows
you to directly do that are side effects through your init and update functions.
Yeah, like getting time, getting random numbers.
Subscriptions also count as managed effects.
And then you got second class support for ports and web components.
So I think that's, again, I say second class because it's not the intended way, but it's
something you can use to get other things.
I mean, it is the intended way to extend Elm, but it's not directly built into it in a way.
It's not supported out of the box.
But the mechanisms, ports, flags, and web components are meant to be there.
Okay, so that's what you can do with Elm.
So what can't you do with Elm directly?
Anything that is not in that list.
There's so many things that you can't do that is just not listable.
Well, okay, so maybe let's go through some concrete examples.
And you and I are familiar with some of these having built tools to solve these problems
in ways that involve some of these techniques for extending Elm to do things you can't directly
do in pure Elm.
So, you know, one example that is front of mind for me is, for example, Elm doesn't give
you a way to do head text.
So if you want to add meta tags for SEO to your head, if you want to perform some HTTP
requests that get built into your bundle, you know, when you initially run your Elm
app, those things aren't supported out of the box in Elm.
There's no way to do that in pure Elm.
You know, you could you could add something in some Elm code somewhere that adds head
tags based on something you return from, you know, from a port upon init in your Elm app,
That's something you could do.
And then you could pre render it.
And I mean, so technically, adding for let's take the example of adding head tags, adding
head tags is very much possible with Elm.
But it's not possible with pure Elm.
It's possible through a port.
And what happens when you're sending things through port?
Well, sometimes it's not going to be a first class experience.
Like we kind of talked about, you have to wire things up, you have to sort of manage
how you serialize and deserialize things when you're sending it to and from Elm.
You have to write some code in some other language, like JavaScript.
Very often.
And make sure that your contracts match up between the Elm side and the JavaScript side,
which is a tricky part.
It's tricky.
And when you're working with Elm, there's this elegance to it, because you know that
the pieces are going to fit together.
And the type system helps you with that.
And in that interop, when you when you say, okay, I want these head tags, then it's not
that same seamless experience, because you're not sure that it's gonna that the contract
on the other side is going to be met.
So that's one example of where a tool can help out is a tool can help with head tags
and say, I'm going to give you first class support for head tags.
And what it's basically saying is, I'm going to take on the responsibility for ensuring
that contract.
So I'm going to expose some Elm code to you as if Elm had head tags as a first class citizen.
And I'm taking on the responsibility of making sure that contract is met on the other side.
And handling some internals, you probably want it to pre render your HTML for you as
well, because that's another part of head tags is, if you add it after the JavaScript
takes control, then it doesn't always show up in SEO or give you the best experience
So these are all things that you can sort of wrap something up in a way that a user
could do.
But you can wrap it up into a tool and give a nice API that to the user feels like they're
just calling these functions.
And as long as they call it in a way that makes the Elm compiler happy, it's going to
work as expected.
So we are talking about code in here, right?
So why don't we get into some of the techniques that you can actually use for extending Elm?
I think we've kind of given a sense of maybe why you might extend Elm.
There are things that maybe it's possible to do.
There's some things that maybe it's not even possible to do.
I kind of hinted at static HTTP before where, you know, in Elm pages, it's one of my favorite
But I think it's an interesting example because...
Go listen to episode one if you don't know what we're talking about.
That's right.
It gives you a way to extend what's possible to do with Elm in a way where there would
be so much manual work involved, so many, you know, things you'd have to wire up to
create your own custom script that call HTTP requests and make sure that matches up with
the way you're decoding that data from the Elm side.
It's so much work that you're probably not going to do it because you're either basically
building your own framework or you're very likely to run into errors where you're not
wiring something up correctly and things get out of sync.
And so this is an example of extending Elm to make it feel as if Elm can do something
that it can't out of the box.
What I think about it is extend the guarantees that the Elm compiler gives you.
I think that a lot of the tools that we use in the Elm ecosystem, they try to do that.
They try to give you guarantees that you do not have with ports or that you do not have
in some other ways and just try to make it feel like Elm.
Yes, exactly.
It tries to make it feel as if it's just part of Elm that's baked in and by wrapping the
internals in a nice API and having them work together to the user, it feels like that.
So that's sort of the goal for extending Elm.
I would say that's the goal is to make it feel like it's just a first class tool that
you're using.
I think that the tool that we have at the moment do reflect that philosophy of trying
to give the user very good user or developer experience.
In the safety of not having these caveats that, hey, this will work as long as you do
this, this, this and this and wire this up in this place in that way and your decoder
here matches your encoder that you're using here.
It's like, no, we want it so that if the Elm compiler tells you that everything matches
up, then you don't have to worry about anything else.
Just make the Elm compiler happy and you'll make the tool happy.
That's sort of the goal.
So let's get into some of these techniques.
So how do you extend Elm?
What are even the possible ways to extend Elm in the way we've been talking about?
So one of them is code generation.
It's when you generate Elm code, write it to a file, and then the Elm compiler just
thinks it's any normal Elm file, just like one of the ones that you wrote, except that
it isn't and you don't manage it.
The code is just simple Elm code.
So as long as it's valid Elm code and the type checks and the types check out with everything
else, that's a very good solution to extend Elm, I think.
So you can hook into the Elm compiler in a way because you're just generating this code
that you can now consume this generated code and the Elm compiler will just treat it like
any other Elm code except that a machine built it from something.
So for example, Elm GraphQL takes your GraphQL schema, which is a set of types for your API,
and then it generates Elm code to allow you to consume that in a type safe way.
The only downside is that you need to have a generation step before you run the Elm compiler.
So you need to generate those Elm files before you run the compiler.
Otherwise it will break because the code isn't there.
Yes, that's a great point.
You add an extra step and you could potentially get out of sync depending on how you do it.
So you have to ensure, for example, if it's Elm GraphQL, you need to hook it into your
build process in a way where you're guaranteed to have a fresh copy of the generated code
when you compile your code.
So you can also do macros.
Now macros is generally a language feature and it's not a language feature that Elm has,
but you can emulate the experience of macros.
So I think first let's just define macros.
The way I think about a macro is a function takes a value.
That's what functions do.
They take values.
Those values may include functions, but they're just concrete values.
Whereas a macro takes an AST.
It takes code that is not yet evaluated as an argument, and then often you'll have the
ability to evaluate that code.
So I really like this example of this X unit testing framework in Elixir, which has this
assert macro.
It's not a function, it's a macro.
And what that means is that the macro has access to the AST.
So if you say assert one double equals some variable, then it can look at the left handside
and the right hand side of the double equals.
And actually it might not just be variable.
It can tell you the variable name, but it could be a complex expression.
You know, you could say, exactly.
And it can actually tell you what code it used in the error message.
Or if you say assert three greater than four, then it can tell you, hey, I expected the
thing on the left hand side, which was three, to be greater than four, but it wasn't greater
than four.
And it can give you a precise error message based on inspecting the AST.
It can do more sophisticated things without having to have a special assert greater than
Basically, the way I see it is a macro is something that will replace code by some other
pieces of code.
So when I learned C at university, you could define macros.
So define constants that were going to be inline in some places, kind of like variables
in a way, the global ones.
And you could do things more complicated than that.
And yet, this example is just very good too, because you have an assert expression.
And when you build it, or when you run tests, it gets replaced by some other piece of code.
So the Ava test framework in JavaScript does the same thing.
It has a Babel plugin that checks for, which is the assert function, and it replaces
the functions to something that will make a much better error message.
So the exact same idea.
So you could use macros for other things, like in Babel land, so JavaScript land.
You could enable new syntaxes, for instance.
So that's what is happening a lot in the ES 2020, ES 2021, and where you try to enable
new features before Node or your web browser has it.
And that is something that we don't have in Elm, at least for now.
And I'm quite happy about that, because it's a dangerous one.
And I think we'll maybe dig into that more.
Maybe we should cover the rest of the techniques before then.
But we'll get into the trade offs between these, the maintainability cost versus the
conveniences of them.
OK, so let's kind of go through the rest of these techniques here.
So another technique for extending Elm, for having this experience of a first class set
of functionality that doesn't exist in Elm directly is I like to think of this one as
like wrapper Elm apps.
So Elm used to have this notion of an effect manager that you could sort of have this like
implicit state in your app and you could, you know, you could perform some sort of side
effect that would actually rely on state and perform a set of commands in order to actually
achieve some like higher level effect.
And the fact is that you don't need any magical Elm features to do that.
You can actually do that by wrapping your Elm app.
So you can, if you wanted to have a modal window pop up when, you know, when you give
a certain instruction to your sort of top level Elm app.
Well, if you have an Elm app that wraps your actual Elm app, you can you can have this
contract where you say, hey, if I pass this information here, then it's going to set the
top level state of here's the modal I'm showing, you know, or for example, like I want to show
a flash message for 10 seconds that shows that this operation succeeded or that shows
that it succeeded until, you know, the user clicks dismiss or something like that.
These are the kinds of patterns that they can be tricky to do with plain Elm, but sometimes
people don't realize that it's quite doable to get the same result by wrapping your Elm
So sure, you can't, you can't do these things easily and you have to do a lot of like manual
tracking of these low level details of like, check when I initially did this thing and
then wait 10 seconds and it can sort of clutter this like logic of like, what am I trying
to do?
And you want this like declarative effect, maybe.
So what you're talking about is having something that wraps the updates mostly in a way that
is not the update that we usually use.
And there are different ways to do it.
I mean, you could, yeah, you could, you could wrap update, you could wrap init as part of
You could wrap the view too.
Yeah, exactly.
If it kind of depends, you know, maybe you wrap the view and you control showing the
modal or not as part of that.
And you know, you, so whatever view the sort of child page is, is telling you to render,
you say like, okay, but if something has told me to show a modal, then I'm going to be displaying
that and I'm going to show or hide that based on my own logic as the sort of top level rendering
logic for the app.
And it manages the state for that.
And it, you know, if you click outside of the modal, it's going to hide the modal and
all these things.
So you can achieve these same things with pure Elm.
It's just that you have to get a little bit creative about how you architect your Elm
Yeah, exactly.
I think there's a reason why we ended up with the Elm architecture.
So it's something that you could look into, but it's a risky one.
You can mess things up quite easily, probably.
Mess things up by having a wrapper app that acts as the sort of effect manager.
You can make things very entangled.
You can drop commands.
I don't know.
Yeah, that's right.
And you know, perhaps a topic for another episode, but it can become quite convoluted
when you have a lot of nesting of your Elm state.
And Elm tends to work out a lot nicer when you don't try too hard to sort of have this
componentized style wrapping of state where you say each little piece is going to have
its own state that it manages and then passes information and events back and forth.
The sort of parent child component communication model tends to be very painful in Elm because
there's all this extra wiring you need to do and all this overhead.
So you're right.
You have to be very careful about how you structure it.
But I think if you're very careful and deliberate about where you choose to create these sort
of higher level effects, like a modal that you say, this is like a standard thing for
our app.
You don't try to get too obsessive about hiding internal state of these different pieces,
but you say like, hey, listen, if I click to a new page, then I want this flash message
to hide.
And the place that has access to that information of, am I changing to another page?
That should be the responsibility of something above it.
That's not trying to have this component style way of architecting your apps.
That's just like, no, this really needs to be the responsibility of the thing that's
in charge of changing the view to render the view of the next page when I change sort of
Yeah, try to keep things explicit like we are used to in the Elm code that we love.
Don't just for the sake of hiding internal state, try to make everything a component,
but really think about the choice.
And it's not just these sort of higher level effects that you can use this wrap wrap pattern
You can use that same pattern.
In fact, this is what Elm pages does.
Elm pages sort of wraps your Elm app.
So it feels like you're just doing something that's equivalent to browser.application,
but it gives you this broader palette of things.
So you can say, you have access to saying what you want to put in the head tags for
your SEO, and you have the ability to generate files.
You can give some Elm functions that get your metadata for all of your pages.
And based on that, you could generate an RSS feed or an arbitrary file.
That's not something that Elm can do.
But by wrapping the user's Elm app, I can pretend that Elm can do that and give this
sort of first class experience to users where as long as the types are happy, they get very
predictable behavior because the framework abstracts that away.
So that's another example of this wrapper pattern.
And you can actually achieve quite a lot if you create a framework that does this.
If you wanted to create a tool for rendering command line interfaces with pure Elm code,
then you could create a similar abstraction where you could even have a model view update
style where your view type is not HTML, but it's some sort of abstraction for displaying
terminal UIs.
And you can use ANSI color codes.
And you can have these values where you create your own version of the Elm architecture for
a CLI and wrap things, and you can give users an experience.
So it's difficult to nail that experience and get the abstraction just right.
But I think it's good to be aware that that's possible.
And it's good to be aware of that when you're choosing tools to use.
It's good to understand how these things work under the hood so they feel a little less
magical too.
Yeah, definitely.
So another way you can extend Elm is by using platform.worker to create headless apps.
Yeah, so apps that you run through something else than a browser.
So with Node.js, with some Haskell code, somehow Rust code, whatever spawns something that
runs Elm or JavaScript.
So for those who don't know, a platform worker is just a program in Elm that gets information
from ports or subscriptions and the init function and has an update function, which is the one
that you know from the Elm architecture, which returns commands and returns an updated model.
So you can use that to do asynchronous operations in Elm and run it from JavaScript.
Yeah, I mean, it's basically an Elm app without a view function.
So I use a headless worker, for example, for the Elm GraphQL code generator tool.
So there are actually technically two code bases in the Elm GraphQL Monorepo.
There's one directory of source code for the actual Elm package itself, which gets published
in the package repo.
And then there's the generator tool.
And that's something that I publish with NPM.
And it's just a headless worker app.
And it reads in some files from Node.js.
And then it passes that into Elm.
And then Elm does all of the heavy lifting.
So it basically reads in the data that it needs to, if it needs to read the schema from
a file or whatever it needs to do to get that data.
And then Elm GraphQL sends out all the data.
And it says, please generate these files, which Elm can't do, but a port can.
And then the ports just write all of those files.
I believe you do something similar in Elm review, right?
You use a platform worker for that?
Yeah, exactly.
I think that most tools that are written at the partially in Elm use that technique.
Just run it in Node.js, start an Elm application, potentially generate one, like I do in Elm
review, and give it the data that you need to do the analysis or that you need.
So in the case of Elm review, we build an application from the configuration that you
gave, which is an Elm.
So we move that around, we create a project, we compile it, and then we run it.
Node.js collects a lot of data, like file contents, and it sends it to the Elm worker,
which then gives us things back, in this case, the analysis of what is wrong in your project.
So yeah, I think that's the one that most people use.
And there are quite a few examples that you can look at that we'll probably link to or
talk about later.
Yeah, it's a very powerful pattern.
And it allows you to almost create the illusion, kind of like we talked about before, to the
user, that they're just creating an Elm app, but suddenly they have access to all this
additional data, you know, in the case of Elm review, they just get the AST of their
entire repository, of their entire source code tree, right?
And of course, that's not something that they can get directly from Elm, but you can give
them the appearance that they do because they just write some functions in pure Elm, and
they just have that.
So you just are able to bootstrap their app with all these nice things that you provide
as a framework.
And you can even, you know, it's a very nice pattern because it allows you to do pure Elm
configuration as well.
So often I, when I see a lot of configuration where, you know, there are all these YAML
configuration files or JSON configuration, it always makes me think like, I mean, if
we, if we have this nice language that gives us, you know, data types, type safety, functions,
all these units for creating data and managing data and abstracting data, why couldn't we
use that to create our configurations?
And when you use this kind of pattern, you know, basically having like a little node
JS or whatever tool you use, that's going to actually call into the user's Elm code,
you can do quite a bit with that and allow them to do configuration in pure Elm, which
opens up a lot of really cool stuff.
Well, the very cool stuff is that you restrict what configuration is possible.
You don't open things, you close things.
And that is actually the thing that we like.
And you could even, you know, share things between something like in the case of Elm
pages, for example, Elm pages allows you to generate a manifest.json, which it's, it's
actually taking that information from your pure Elm configuration and passing it into
But what that allows you to do is if you want to have a title that you use for your manifest.json,
if you want to share that title somewhere in your Elm UI, you can use modules the way
you normally do in Elm code and use all the same abstractions and ways of organizing your
But you can, you know, instead of having a configuration file where you try to keep it
in sync in this JSON file in one place and this place you're using it in the UI in another
place, it's all just there in Elm, which is quite handy.
Another thing that is quite cool with Elm review is that since the configuration is
in Elm and the configuration is mostly Elm review rules written in Elm, you can publish
You can share them.
Yes, exactly.
And it's really interesting, right?
Because you publish them, like you say, like an Elm review rule is, you know, whatever.
It's like a function that, yeah, it's just code.
It's like a function that has a particular signature, right?
If you publish a function like that, then if you want to make it configurable, you could
make your Elm review rule configurable with pure Elm data.
And then you have that function take another piece of data, you pass that in, and now you've
got a configurable Elm review rule and the user can pass in a bit of Elm data.
Maybe they, you know, maybe they're passing in a bit of configuration to multiple Elm
review rules or, you know, whatever.
So it's just a really powerful technique.
In the case of Elm review, another thing that I find really cool is that you can, since
it's just Elm code, you can copy paste it to your project.
So something that I've noticed in the ESLint community in JavaScript that you can only
use rules from plugins that are published on NPM.
So people keep complaining for years and years that something has not been implemented, that
a bug has not been fixed in years.
And in the Elm land, I would just say, copy paste it, fix it yourself.
And don't complain for years.
I don't know if you can sense the personal frustration about that.
Years of experience waiting for ESLint rules to be fixed.
No, being on the maintainer side and abandoning projects and people complaining years later.
Like, I'm not there anymore.
It's nice to empower people to, you know, yeah, maintain things if they need to.
That's the kind of thing we have here.
So introspection, we kind of talked about that with Elm review, right?
So you want to talk about that pattern a little bit?
I think it's in Java where you can do introspection where you can get details of how things were
You can use the reflection API, which reflection.
I have seen it abused really badly.
And I'm sure, you know, people with Java experience can relate to that.
It can, you know, it's the kind of thing that you're like, why the heck is this code not
And then, oh, you need to name the class something else because it's depending on that in a weird
I have only heard about reflection in horror stories.
So yeah, you can do things based on how the code is written.
So what Elm review does is it gives you the AST of your Elm code, and then you manipulate
it in Elm code to do whatever you want.
In this case, report errors.
Introspection allows you to look at how things were written and then do something about it.
So you could do code generation with it.
So I think it's with your project TypeScript operation.
Oh yeah.
I have a project called Elm TypeScript Interop.
So you look at the Elm code and then you find, you figure out what the types are for it,
and then you generate TypeScript code.
I generate a TypeScript declaration file, which tells TypeScript, these are the types
of this code.
So when you import your Elm code, it knows I'm going to have app.ports.portname.send
or app.ports.portname.subscribe or whatever it is.
And it gives you auto completion and type safety.
It knows what the types of the payloads are going to be by introspecting the Elm AST
of your project and all of the types of the ports.
So it's code generation the other way around.
It's code generation with the import source of the code generation being the actual Elm
And yeah, that's right.
It's code generation for a different language, not code generation for Elm.
But it does extend the Elm guarantees.
So it's in the Elm philosophy, in my opinion.
I think so.
And we'll get to techniques that make that feel maintainable and easy to use.
Let's get through the rest of these techniques.
We've only got a few more here.
So well, we've kind of talked about ports and flags.
And that's sort of a vanilla way of extending things.
And I don't think we have to say too much about that.
No, we use it all over the place with all of the techniques that we just talked about.
Right, and it can have limitations with how you can sort of wrap things up to have this
seamless feeling that you can't use it incorrectly.
It feels a lot more like you're afraid that you'll wire something up incorrectly.
So if you can have the support of some sort of automation to make sure that you're not
messing something up, that can be nice.
So you can use ports and flags in tandem with those types of techniques.
And then something that's often talked about as a good approach to solving problems in
Elm, web components.
We'll get into some details of that.
But that's a great tool to have at your disposal.
You can kind of send and receive information by passing in data through attributes and
by listening for events on the web component.
Yeah, you can create custom events to make.
Now, a tool that's sort of similar to code generation is transformation.
I guess you could sort of say that these are in the same category.
So there are actually a couple of tools that are pretty commonly used.
For example, create react app uses something.
It's built into the web pack configuration it uses under the hood, and it's Elm Asset
web pack loader.
So that just does like a little string interpolation to find stuff in your Elm source code that's
using a particular string pattern.
And then it changes that to point to a particular file asset.
And the actual web pack pipeline can give you some feedback if you refer to an image
that doesn't exist, for example.
So you use it to link to images or to link to CSS classes or stuff like that.
That's all that I've seen it used for actually.
And it's good to know that that pattern exists.
I mean, these things all have trade offs and gotchas.
So the last one we've got here is JavaScript hacks and sort of more FFI rather than this
sort of port interop style, the recommended sort of official approach.
So this is something that you want in every project of yours, you need to use it, abuse
It's just going to make your life way easier.
What could possibly go wrong?
Oh, no, no.
So there are a lot of hacks and we will not go into them because we don't like them for
multiple reasons.
Often it's something that works because Elm was written in a way.
So it's implementation dependent.
So that means that it will potentially break in a future version of Elm.
And when things break without you knowing, that's not a good sign generally.
If I'm browsing around for tools to accomplish a particular task and I find, I don't know,
I find Elm review and then I find that there's another tool that does the same type of thing,
but it sort of patches the AST or, you know, I don't know if Elm review would be a great
use case for this kind of pattern even.
But if I'm looking at a tool and I see that it's using this approach, I'm going to be
very hesitant to use it because I'm not going to have a high level of confidence that it's
going to be, well, you know, if there's a new version of Elm, I don't have a high level
of confidence that it's going to survive to the next version because it's potentially
depending on internals that will change.
I don't have a high degree of confidence that it will handle all the edge cases of, you
know, certain bugs that may arise because it's hacking, right?
So in general with hacks, I just don't trust them.
And if you can avoid it, then I prefer not to depend on them.
I prefer not to use them to solve problems.
And so the one example of something that uses this approach that is something that I depend
on is ElmHot, which is the underlying tool that's used for the ElmHot web pack loader.
And what it does is it, you know, it hooks into all these internals about how Elm manages
state and it hot swaps in your Elm code when you, when you get a new version of your compiled
Elm code and retains your state, which of course is, it's a hack and it could be a hack
that, you know, if it's built into the language, then it's not a hack.
It's like a language feature, right?
Because it is officially supported.
So there's this like official commitment to sort of continue having the internals support
that use case.
And so, you know, if it breaks, if you're depending on internals and they break, okay,
what can you do?
If you're depending on internals and it, and it breaks in a way where you can't even accomplish
that same type of thing, then that tool is just going to die.
And we've, we've seen that kind of thing happen in the past.
So it's ideal if you can avoid depending on internals.
It's really just, I have a very low level of trust if I see that a tool is depending
on this.
And if it's some code that I'm using professionally at my workplace, I wouldn't feel very good
about making the code base depend on something like that.
Elm hot is one sort of example that I feel comfortable with because I mean, first of
all, it's like a developer experience improvement that if it goes away, it's not the end of
the world.
It's, you know, it's convenient, but it's such a standard community tool that it almost
feels like an official tool.
And it's not going to break your production.
It's not going to lose any guarantees.
Well, maybe in developments when you change things in things that in ways that it wasn't
But what constitutes a hack is something that uses something that is not documented.
So if the Elm compiler or the Elm project documents something as okay to use for certain
purposes and use it for those purposes, it's fine.
Go use it.
That's why we use ports.
That was why we use flags and web components, but don't go to changing what is in your Elm
Don't go changing the output source code because it's not going to be maintainable in the long
It's most certainly going to break.
And it's not going to be fun to debug that or just to debug anything that you made using
those techniques, even if there's no major version of Elm changing or patch version of
Yes, exactly.
I think it's pretty clear where we stand on hacking the actual Elm source code in order
to accomplish a task in order to solve a problem.
So there are plenty of gotchas there.
First we've kind of covered our sort of set of possible techniques for extending Elm.
Let's just kind of quickly review all of those topics and then talk about some of the gotchas
and considerations for these different techniques.
So we talked about code gen, macros, Elm wrapper apps, headless apps, platform worker, introspection,
ports and flags and web components, the sort of official techniques, transforming source
code like web pack transformers, and then JavaScript hacks.
So maybe in these official channels, what are the gotchas?
What are the good times to use them?
When would you use a port?
When would you use a web component?
I haven't played too much with web components.
So I usually use ports for most things.
I'm a fan of web components.
It's just that I haven't had the chance to play with this or it's not my go to solution.
There's also the fact that you need to add a polyfill for certain browsers.
So that is one gotcha, so you need to send extra bytes over the wire to make it work
on all browsers.
IE 11, for instance.
And Safari has a couple of weird behaviors with web components.
Safari is the new IE.
In general, you're going to have a pretty seamless experience using web components,
but certainly there are a few gotchas to make sure that you're handling any polyfills and
things that you need to.
You need to use attributes.
And they're a bit tricky sometimes.
But otherwise, it's a very fun feature.
I definitely find that it can be difficult to get the wiring right.
Really I think that there could be a really great opportunity to create a tool to make
it easier to build web components for use with Elm and to enable you to kind of capture
the contract of what data you can pass into the web component and what events can come
out and what the types will be.
I think there could be a really cool like code generation tool to help with that.
But just with with vanilla web components versus ports, my rule of thumb that I think
about is ports are imperative and web components are declarative.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
Sometimes you need something that's more imperative where an event occurs and you say, okay, I
need to call some NPM library to perform some side effect, whatever.
Maybe it's an NPM wrapper that performs some authentication or something like that.
For whatever reason, you need to use JavaScript to do it.
Or if you want to show an alert, everybody knows how great of a user experience it is
to show alerts in your browser.
So things like that, you need to use a port.
I mean, I guess you could technically use web component, but it feels a little weird
because it's like an event.
Yeah, you could definitely.
So then web components are very declarative.
So if you're sort of saying, if I tell you to present this data type, I want you to do
some JavaScript to tell you how to present it.
But you can think of it in this higher level way of presenting this, that sort of declarative
way of saying present this high level thing.
Web components tend to work quite nicely.
So like I've really enjoyed using, you know, I had this page of events that I'm showing
and I want it to show in the user's local time.
And the Elm time API doesn't quite give what I need because it's a long story, but there
are like time zones and time offsets and I needed the time zone and Elm time doesn't
really support that.
And so the browser has this sort of nice platform that it provides for internationalizing time.
And so it's going to do things like, you know, maybe in some countries they'll show the month
first and in some countries they'll show the day first.
So you don't sort of tell it, show the day, then show the month, then show the year.
You say, I want to see the day, the month and the year.
You can figure out how to present that in the user's local time.
And I want the short version of this or the long version or the numeric.
I want leading zeros.
And it just figures out how to put everything together.
It's quite nice.
This is a great example of a use case for a web component because you can even create
a little, you know, Elm function that creates that web component.
It just does, you know, HTML dot node for your web component and passes in the right
information, but your Elm function can abstract that.
So you pass in, you know, an Elm time, you know, POSIX time or, you know, whatever your
data type is.
So I've found that that's quite a nice experience.
It would be even nicer with some sort of framework that helps you make sure you're keeping these
events and data types that you pass into the web component in sync.
So in terms of the gotchas, another thing I wanted to cover is how do you, you know,
we kind of talked about this philosophy that what you're trying to do is make it feel like
a first class experience to use these extended features that Elm doesn't have, but you want
it to feel like Elm has these features, right?
So you want it to feel like Elm gives you access to the ASD when you're writing an Elm
review rule, even though it doesn't, but you can make it feel like it does.
You want it to feel like Elm has, you know, the ability to consume a GraphQL API with
a nice, you know, API that's in sync with your GraphQL schema, even though Elm doesn't
do that.
But if you have the right developer experience, you can achieve that.
So maybe let's talk a little bit about what's the alternative to having that sort of experience
and what are the gotchas.
One thing I've experienced is using these sorts of abstractions and tools that, you
know, maybe they do code generation or whatever the technique they're using for extending
Elm, but maybe there's not a clear source of truth.
That's sort of one pain point I've seen with this type of technique.
So you know, okay, you have to change the code here, but you also have to make sure
that this code over here matches that.
And so there's like a fuzzy abstraction where there's not a clear source of truth, but the
source of truth is distributed several places and you have to second guess yourself, you
know, you're not quite confident that you've wired everything incorrectly.
So basically every time you see in the documentation something that says, note, by the way, don't
forget to...
That's a smell that maybe you don't have a clear source of truth.
That's going to be a bad user experience.
And that means, you know, as you're implying, right, they're writing a caveat that says
something might go wrong.
Well, it's not an airtight abstraction.
You've allowed for something to go wrong, but the whole point is you want to give these
guardrails that say, Hey, you know, if you give me this thing, if it compiles, then this
will happen and you don't have to worry about anything else.
Another pitfall I've seen with this type of technique is not having a clear separation
between machine generated code and user maintained code.
And so I think actually a common technique that I've actually found, found to be really
useful is to get ignore your generated code because you want a clear separation and you
want it to be, you know, just like your generated Elm code, right?
You don't care about that code.
Like ideally you want to like say import main.elm, import source slash main.elm from your JavaScript
entry point, right?
You don't want to say like import generated.elm.js or something like that.
You want it to be this more declarative thing where you're not depending on the low level
And we're going to have to do the wiring manually and where you can mess up the wiring.
It's nice if you can have a clear separation where the internals are not exposed.
And if you, if you separate the generated code from the user maintained code, it creates
this more clear separation where you're, you're not at risk of digging into the internals
or messing something up that the machine representation depends on in a confusing way.
So it's, it's very difficult to get the user experience right where a user has an interaction
with code generation that feels predictable, easy to find what you're looking for, well
Also, if you'd like generating code, make sure that your public APIs look nice.
Make sure that, you know, you can even have doc comments.
And in a lot of editor tooling, if you hover over your functions that you're calling in
the generated code, you can see the documentation comments.
So you can generate those.
We talked about macros earlier too, and there are a few gotchas about those too.
One of the scary things about macros is when you start using it for code that does not
look like Elm code.
So when you try to add syntactic sugar that with symbols that do not exist, the problem
with that is that even though we will make your code maybe very simple, that a lot of
tooling will not work out of the box.
So with code generation, you just generate codes and it's Elm code, correct syntax, good
Elm code.
But with macros, no tooling will work.
Elm review will not work.
Your editor will not work.
The Elm compiler will not work.
Elm test will not work.
Pretty much nothing will work unless you ask the tooling authors to support it.
And if you have been in the Babel land, that's what's going on everywhere.
There's a new JavaScript syntax proposal.
People ask every tool out there, every maintainer of every tool out there to add support for
A new TypeScript feature comes in.
People want that in their tooling, in their editors.
And from the maintainers perspective, it's a lot of work.
And from the user's perspective.
Yeah, too.
Yeah, definitely.
Like I was just writing a Jest test for actually one of these sort of types of tools that we're
talking about where it is generating like a framework that allows you to use pure Elm,
but under the hood there's JavaScript and stuff happening, right?
So I was using some Jest for some generated code and I wanted to do like a snapshot test
that I'm generating the code correctly and pulling in stuff that I need from some JavaScript
And well, I needed to, like I was looking through the documentation and it was explaining,
oh, and if you need to use certain Babel features, here's how you set up Jest in order to pull
in these Babel features and here's how you configure it to do that.
Like it's like a first class thing that's supporting your tests calling code that's
running through Babel.
And then here's how you run it through Webpack.
Well, what if you happen to use Rollup?
What if you're using something that uses Rollup instead of Webpack or you use Parcel?
So now are you going to go ask the Jest maintainers team to add support for Parcel too?
And I want to use my Parcel config, are you going to hack that?
Are you going to move over to Webpack?
Oh, by the way, there's a new tool to do that now.
Let's add it to support for it's everywhere.
It's like the open close principle where you want your code to be open for extension and
closed for modification.
And the type of technique we're talking about where you rely on these macros that transform
your your code with some syntactic sugar, you end up really you're modifying the syntax.
So rather than having a way of extending what you can do with the language, you're modifying
the language itself and you're going to have a bad time.
I mean, there's a reason for the open close principle.
I think it's in general a good thing to keep in mind for maintainability and it applies
just as much to tools as it does for your own internal APIs.
In fact, it especially applies to frameworks.
So this reminds me of another point in this general area is that if you build your tools
with an abstraction that's opinionated and provides a very narrow set of things that
it does that can be good, but you also want to balance that with are you going to be making
it impossible to do for certain things?
And is that going to require your users to hack around it?
Or are they going to get into a dead end?
So what I see a lot is I see these tools that in my opinion, create like very low level
extension points that to me are opening it up for modification, not for extension, because
they haven't provided this platform with extension in mind.
And I think it's very nice when you can have tools that give you a nice high level abstraction,
but it also gives you the right extension points so that you can you can accomplish
what you need to without going into low level things, dangerous things, things that sort
of break the contract.
Those are all sort of red flags to me that you've opened up internals that belong as
Okay, well, I think we had a pretty good overview of a lot of techniques, we probably missed
a lot of them.
And you can use them together to do pretty cool things and pretty awful things.
So yeah, I think the core thing to remember is to keep the Elm philosophy, try to make
things look like Elm, try to make things do like Elm.
Anyway, yeah, don't don't rely on implementation details.
Don't make things that the language is actively working against.
Yeah, I think maybe a piece of advice that I would give to anybody who's looking to create
a tool like this, or also that I'd give to my future self is really think about the mental
model for users.
You know, what mental model are you giving to users?
If you were to describe how this works, you know, you'd say, think of it like this.
And what you need to be sure of is that when you say think of it like this, are there any
Is it like, think of it like this, except there's this one caveat.
And if you do this one thing, then it'll actually behave like this.
And then you don't have a clear mental model.
And you have a sort of, you know, leaky abstraction.
And not it's not a, you don't have maybe a cohesive source of truth that your that your
tool is using and a cohesive set of behaviors that are going to be predictable and intuitive
for the user.
So keep that in mind, and you know, strive for the right type of simplicity where you're
opinionated about the essential things, but you leave it open to extension for the appropriate
things so users won't get into a dead end.
I think Elm SBA has done a really nice job creating like a simple abstraction that is
lightweight and not so opinionated that it, you know, paints you into a corner.
And I know that Ryan has done some iteration on that.
Initially he started with having it manage page transitions and things like that.
And then he realized like, this is too heavyweight and too complicated and becomes difficult
to extend.
And that's the thought process.
You're not going to get it right on the first time, but pay attention to is this a simple
mental model?
Does it because that's the thing that happens when you get it right.
You have at the same time a simple mental model and something that's extensible.
I love that you now see Elm SBA.
Yeah, I decided that it was taking up too much time out of my day to have people who
were like, Oh, like a spa that sounds relaxing or like, or in your case, that doesn't sound
Just tell me if I'm annoying.
It's happened from enough people mentioning it that I'm like, you know, this is going
to save me time.
I'm just going to call this, I'm going to admit defeat.
I'm not going to, I'm not going to die on this Hill.
Except that I now tell you when you say Elm SBA.
There's no winning.
There's no winning.
Well, John Doe, I hope we answered your question.
We would really like to know if this was interesting to you and especially if your name is really
John Doe.
I'm really curious now.
We want to solve that mystery and it's totally okay to submit anonymous questions to you.
And we welcome any and all questions and we really appreciate getting everybody's thoughts
and ideas for discussions.
So well, pleasure is always your ruin.
The pleasure is all mine.
I'll see you next time.
See you next time.